How to care for your African Violets
African violets are scientifically known as Saintpaulia. This flower plants was first discovered by Baron Walter von Saint Paul-Illaire, then the German governor of a place in Africa in 1892. Till now, there are 21 species that have been found. It is one of the most popular house plants in America and Europe.
African violets are small, adorable, easy to grow houseplant. They bloom in lower light and best grow in bright indirect light. To plants your own African violet, you can either use the potting mix of an actual African violet plants or an all-purpose potting soil.
African violets only grow in Africa naturally.

You can start with a leaf from the existing plant cutting it from its stem and placing it in a bottle. The cut you make of the leaf from the plant must be 45 degrees. After the stem is placed in the bottle with lukewarm water in it and the lead is resting on the periphery of the bottle, cover the leaf and the bottle top loosely with a plastic.
Same can be done with potting a leaf in soil. You must make sure the soil you are using is the right one. You can also grow new plants from the existing plant’s seeds. Remember to choose the right soil and selecting the right pot not just for planting a new African Violet, but also for repotting.
Things that you will need to consider while caring for your African Violet plants are light, water, air, soil, pot and pruning. Once all these things are taken care of the right way, your plant will always flourish.
You will need to provide your plant moderate to bright, indirect, indoor light. The soil works great when moist to dry. Wait for the soil around the roots to dry out before you water them again. Doing this will encourage blooming.
You African violet will grow well in a pleasant environment. What pleasant and comfortable for you, is pleasant and comfortable for them as well. However, additionally, the temperature you should keep around your African violet plants should be at least 70F and not less than 60F.
African violets are perennial plants and very beautiful to look at. They are highly attractive too. When care for the right way, they will be their blooming best.